Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The bug found on Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.4

This news also called "Adobe Reader and Acrobat Hit by New Zero-Day", VUPEN French company's security research confirms that Adobe Reader and Acrobat vulnerability is reported as the day before zero-day, can be exploited to execute arbitrary code.According to intelligence vendors are known vulnerabilities, defects caused by a heap corruption error in EScript.api plugin, which can occur when processing printSeps function is called().

VUPEN wrote in the advisory that the vulnerability is "can be exploited by attackers to crash an affected application or potentially compromise a vulnerable system by tricking users to open PDF files specially made”.
The bug affects Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.4 and successful exploitation has been confirmed on both Windows 7 and Windows XP SP3.A proof-of-concept target PDF exploit this flaw was sent yesterday to the mailing list Full Disclosure by an anonymous reporter, with comments "mystery in the puzzle."However, it seems that the vulnerability has been known in some circles for almost a year. The details about it published in Russian language blog called "[Security Solutions] Research Lab," in November, 2009.Blog post describing the condition of denial of service, but does not mention the execution of arbitrary code. This refers to the printSeps as "undocumented method."This news could not come at a worse time for Adobe, which has been dealing with the day being actively exploited Flash Player zero.vulnerability was discovered last week and also affects the Flash interpreter in Adobe Reader and Acrobat.
 In fact, an attack in-the-wild exploit only so far, have been using SWF malicious content embedded into the PDF document.The company plans to release a security update for both products during the week 15 November, however, an unexpected development could interfere with the patch schedule.Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) has not commented on the new vulnerability, but given the confirmation VUPEN, an official advisory was imminent.

Best Browser

There are continuous changes and progresses in everything especially the technical zone. Net is one of the fastest paced areas that undergo changes pretty soon than any other.People all around the world use it and want to see changes and developments bringing speed and performance efficiency better ever than before.Many leading net browsers are available today to surf the net world with utmost efficiency. Now let us see which one of the leading, most widely used web browser is highly acclaimed and why! Different browsers are made keeping different items on priority lists. Hence they hold their separate positions and standings gathering unique liking levels amongst users.The most successful browser can be the one which has more features that attract most of the users and make them stick to that even with the change in versions. Amongst Firefox, Chrome, IE and Safari, let us compare, contrast and evaluate the best.

Interface/Look: #1: Google Chrome
On the first level, the interface and look of the browser counts a lot. It is to be seen that which is the browser that looks more easy to use and the tabs are visible enough and the important tags are properly highlighted according to their preferences.Browsers have different looks with changed address bar placing like Apple dumped its OS X interface to match the colorfully designed Windows looks.As far as interface is concerned, Google Chrome is on the top with its tab lay out. Firefox’s interface is function based than good impressive look. Safari has the quality of showing bookmarks, favorites, and browsing history similar to iTunes.
Features/ Characteristics: #1: Firefox
The most easily extensible browser is Firefox with so many add-on options which none other gives.Other browsers like IE also have the same options but not as extensively as are on Firefox. Chrome and Safari too are not expandable like Firefox.
Performance Results: #1: Safari
Marking the performance of each browser on memory footprint with a single open page, Safari becomes the winner in the race. Each browser has different memory requirements, which are as follows:
(1) Safari 4 beta 985.6ms / 1,079.6ms
(2) Firefox 3.1b3 2,221.2ms / 2,232.4ms
(3) Chrome 1.0.154 1,332.4ms / 1,371.2ms
(4) IE8 RC1 5,804.2ms / 5,834.6ms
The above figures refer to everyday JavaScript browsing. In speed, Chrome was fast, Firefox was also good, but IE was slower than was expected.
Security: #1: Firefox And Chrome
All browsers provide the security to users to protect their data and machines from damages after being infected with virus.Browsers provide various kinds of restricting options like Porn Mode, block pop-ups, clear history, protection from phishing and other net interferences.While protecting the computers from crashing, Chrome has been copied by IE. It performs separate checks for each tab allowing the user to ‘end process’ for any tab that has a troubling site. Whereas, in Chrome, there is a tab manager; Shift+Esc that allows to stop the working right there in the browser.This prevents the browser to shut down even its needed to run, like IE shuts down if there is some ill causing a crash.
The Best Of 4: Firefox
Although all the browsers are good at their place, but still Firefox is the one that wins over the others due to its ecosystem that allows easy add-ons.Firefox is rather an advanced browser comparing to others which allows doing things quicker. Chrome is not even strong technically to support everyday net tasks until a few more features are added in.While considering Safari, it can handle RSS feed unlike Chrome. It also has the best JavaScript performance. Also, if we compare all the 4 on rankings earned, Firefox stands out as no.1 leaving others behind.

Google Street View

Google is looking to develop the features of its Street View and further enhance it by refreshing the images every year from now on. This decision was prompted by the fact that urban landscapes are in a state of flux at all times. To be able to keep up with this constant changes happening in the cities, this move was decided upon by Google.
In the same vein, the European Union is reviewing certain regulations concerned with the way Google is trying to make images of the cities of the world available on the World Wide Web for everyone to see. The EU want to know more about Google’s retention policy concerning the Street View Image.
According to Google, the Street View Images should be retained for a year. However, according to the European Union, the officials think that the period of one year is too long and want it to be shortened to six months. Also, the EU wants Google to put out notices in the media so that people know when the company will send their Street View cameras to take the pictures of the cities in general.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Aid for Anaemic Children

Aid for Anaemic Children
According to a recent report, it has been revealed that there has been the discovery of a new drug therapy that can be used for the treatment of sickle cell anaemia in young children. The name of the drug is hydroxicarbamide and it has proved to be able to reduce the complications together with other pain related disorders in a research that was conducted on as many as 200 babies.
The study took a period of two years to complete the study and there were comparisons conducted of the inactive placebos in the babies with this new drug and it was found that it proved to be beneficial. Anaemia is a hereditary disease and it occurs when the red blood cells of the body tend to stick to the blood vessels.
The ailment tends to cause a lot of pain and discomfort together with a number of other complications. The drug, hydroxicarbamide has already been used as a licensed drug in the UK for the treatment of this ailment. It has been used because the therapy seems to have acted fairly well for the disease. According to this well organized study it has been revealed that there are going to be good results of the therapy and that it is totally safe for use.

Nokia to Launch X7 with Improved Features in This Quarter in India

Nokia to Launch X7 with Improved Features in This Quarter in India

Nokia is planning to launch its new smartphone X7 next month in India, which will have the characteristic of the latest version of Symbian operating system known as Anna. However, no exact date has been decided for the launch of the smartphone.
The new X7 smartphone has offered 4 inch Amoled screen, which will display 16 million colors with 640 x 360 pixel resolution. X7 has preinstalled a memory card of 8GB which can be extended to 32 GB and it also has 320 MB of internal memory.
The new entertainment smartphone has a high quality sound output and everything else we might need that too without a huge computer or tablet. The installed 1200mAh battery will work upto 450 hours of standby and some 4.5 hours of talk time on 3G networks.
A Nokia Spokesperson said that X7 has a brand new look with new and improved interface. Even, Symbian Anna has a new browser and which is anticipated to be three times faster in comparison to the existing browser.
The cost of new Nokia X7 will be around 380 Euros, which is equal to Rs 25,000. The new device offers all the features which other superior devices have in it.

Super Hi-Vision Display to Be Launched

Super Hi-Vision Display to Be Launched

Japanese Broadcasting Company, NHK and Sharp have put their efforts together in order to create a new 85-inch Super Hi-Vision display. It is really ‘super’, since it has 16 times the resolution of a current HDTV. Saying it more precisely, that’s 7680 by 4320 pixels, or 33 megapixels dense, which will offer life-like image´s reproduction.
The new LCD is anxiously expected to be shown to the public from May 26 to 29 in Tokyo at NHK’s Science & Technology Research Laboratories. According to experts, this 85-inch prototype screen finally creates a monitor that can present the jaw-dropping ultra-high definition of the Super Hi-Vision format, for which NHK has been working on since middle of 90ies.
The announcement from Sharp and NHK regarding the world’s first Super Hi-Vision display, points the way to the future, making high definition TV many times sharper than the currently HDTV. NHK is expected to begin trial broadcasts for the new format in 2020.
Specialists announce that Super Hi-Vision make possible ultra-detailed, super-high-quality images, thanks to the combination of NHK’s expertise and Sharp´s know-how, mainly the development of Sharp’s UV2A*2 LCD technology. It is expected that the detailed images on the giant screen will be able to make the viewer immerse in a virtual-reality-like experience.

Mammals’ Brain Evolved Due to Sense of Smell

Mammals’ Brain Evolved Due to Sense of Smell

The evolution of brain started in the mammals because an improvement in the sense of smell, paleontologists say. This study can help us understand why mammals have such a developed brain.
The scientists reconstructed the fossils of Morganuocodon and Hadrocodium, two Jurassic mammals. They found that the brain of a mammal evolved in three stages.
The first stage was the improvement in the ability to smell. The second stage was an increase in touch because of body hair, and the third stage was a better neuromuscular coordination using senses, as reported by the journal Science.
The study was conducted using X-ray computed tomography, a technique for medical imaging. By this technique, the scientists reconstructed the brain of the Morganuocodon and Hadrocodium fossils, whose age is 190 million years.
Tim Rowe of the University of Texas, who headed the study said, “Now we have a much better idea of the historical sequence of events and of the relative importance of the different sensory systems in the early evolution of mammals. It paints a much more vivid picture of what the ancestral mammal was like, how it behaved and of our own ancestry”.
Rowe added that though humans have compromised some sense of smell for a developed vision as well as hearing, other mammals like dogs still depend heavily on smell.

Acer Plans To Launch Its Tablet PCs and Smartphones

Acer Plans To Launch Its Tablet PCs and Smartphones

Acer is planning to expand its business and position its brand aggressively in Indian market. As part of its new strategies, it will be launching five tablet PCs and five smartphones. For Acer’s Iconia tablet PCs, the company has planned a total expenditure of $1 million.
At present, Acre has 11.3% share in the PC segment and 10.6% share in the notebook segment. The launch of its new products is likely to strengthen its position in the market.
The company will also organize ATL and BTL activities to attract the customers and provide them more information about its new products.
Managing Director of Acer India, WS Mukund, said that the company has done its ground work and it quiet confident but it’s still not sure about how many tablet PCs and smartphones the company will sell in India. He further added that these products will be more affordable and easy to use.
The company has claimed that the content of tablet PCs and smartphones can easily be shared on different screen sizes. The company said that it was the primary requirement of the users, as per their internet feedback.

GSAT-8 takes to the skies

India's GSAT-8 satellite has been lofted into space aboard an Ariane 5 rocket that lifted off from the European launch facility in French Guiana in equatorial South America. It is the 20th satellite designed and built indigenously by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to meet this country's requirements for space capacity in communications and broadcasting. The 3,100-kg spacecraft's 24 transponders will relay signals in radio frequencies known as the Ku-band. These transponders will be used for Direct-To-Home television broadcasts as well as to support communications using small satellite dishes known as Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs). Other Indian communication satellites that are currently operational have about 150 transponders working in various frequency bands. That capacity needs to be augmented, given that a power glitch on the INSAT-4B knocked out half its transponders last July. Two satellites, GSAT-4 and GSAT-5P, were lost in consecutive failures of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) last year. Besides, the INSAT-2E, launched 12 years ago, is nearing the end of its life. ISRO plans to launch the GSAT-12, weighing 1,400 kg, on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle this July. The GSAT-10, with 36 transponders and weighing 3,400 kg, is to be put into orbit by another Ariane 5 rocket next year. Another communication satellite will go up when the GSLV is flown again, which is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2012.
The GSAT-8 is also carrying a payload that will broadcast data to increase the accuracy and ensure the integrity of navigation based on signals from orbiting satellites of the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS). The resulting improvement in accuracy and reliability will allow aircraft, equipped with suitable receivers, to make precision approaches for landing at all runways in the country. Aircraft will also be able to fly more direct routes to their destination, saving time and fuel. Such space-based augmentation systems have begun functioning in the U.S., Europe, and Japan. Ground stations for the Indian system, known as GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation), a joint effort by ISRO and the Airports Authority of India, have been put in place. After the GSAT-8's GAGAN payload becomes operational, further steps for testing the system as a whole and securing the necessary certification can start. All of India's remote sensing satellites are now launched domestically. This should be achieved in the case of communication satellites too. For that, the GSLV must be made as reliable as the PSLV and the next generation GSLV Mark-III got ready as soon as possible.

சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டம் நிறுத்தி வைப்பு

சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டத்தை நிறுத்தி வைக்க தமிழக அமைச்சரவை முடிவெடுத்துள்ளது. இதையடுத்து, இந்தக் கல்வியாண்டில் ஒன்று முதல் 10-ம் வகுப்பு வரை பழைய பாடப் புத்தகங்களே பயன்படுத்தப்பட உள்ளன.
 பாடப் புத்தகங்கள் அனைத்து மாணவர்களுக்கும் கிடைக்கும் வகையில், பள்ளிகளை ஜூன் 15-ம் தேதி திறக்கலாம் என்று தமிழக அமைச்சரவைக் கூட்டத்தில் முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.
 அதிமுக அரசின் முதல் அமைச்சரவைக் கூட்டம் புனித ஜார்ஜ் கோட்டையில் உள்ள தலைமைச் செயலகத்தில் ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை நடைபெற்றது. காலை 9.50 மணிக்குத் தொடங்கிய இந்தக் கூட்டம் ஒரு மணி நேரம் வரை நீடித்தது.
 கூட்டத்தில் சமச்சீர் கல்வி குறித்து விவாதிக்கப்பட்டது. இந்தக் கல்வித் திட்டத்தை நிறுத்தி வைப்பதென்று அப்போது முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டது. இதுகுறித்து, தமிழக அரசு வெளியிட்ட அறிவிப்பு:
 இப்போது நடைமுறையில் உள்ள சமச்சீர் கல்வி, மாணவர்களின் கல்வித் தரத்தை உயர்த்தும் வகையில் அமையவில்லை. இதற்கென உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ள பாடத்திட்டம் ஒட்டுமொத்த கல்வித் தரத்தை உயர்த்த வழிவகை செய்யாது.

 ஆராய வல்லுநர் குழு: சமச்சீர் கல்வி முறை அமல்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்றும், ஆனால் அதே நேரத்தில் எவ்வாறு கல்வித் தரத்தை உயர்த்துவது என்பது குறித்து ஆராய வல்லுநர் குழு ஒன்றை அமைக்கவும் அமைச்சரவை முடிவு செய்துள்ளது. எனவே, இந்தக் கல்வியாண்டில் பழைய பாட புத்தகங்களையே பின்பற்றலாம் என்றும் முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. பாட புத்தகங்களை அச்சிட சிறிது கால அவகாசம் தேவைப்படும் என்பதால், பள்ளிகளை ஜூன் 15-ம் தேதி திறக்கலாம் என்று அமைச்சரவை முடிவு செய்துள்ளது.
 தமிழகத்தில் கடந்த 2006-ம் ஆண்டு திமுக ஆட்சிப் பொறுப்பேற்றது. முன்னதாக, அந்தக் கட்சியின் தேர்தல் அறிக்கையில், "ஆட்சிக்கு வந்தால் சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டம் அமல்படுத்தப்படும்" என்று கூறியிருந்தது. ஆட்சிக்கு வந்ததும் அதற்கான பணிகளில் அந்த அரசு ஈடுபட்டது.
 சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டத்தின் அம்சங்கள் குறித்து ஆராய, பாரதிதாசன் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் முன்னாள் துணைவேந்தர் எஸ்.முத்துகுமரன் தலைமையில் குழு அமைக்கப்பட்டது. இந்தக் குழு தனது அறிக்கையை 2007-ம் ஆண்டு அரசுக்கு அளித்தது.
 சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டத்துக்கு சில தனியார் பள்ளிகள் கடும் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவித்தன. இந்தத் திட்டத்தை எதிர்த்து அவர்கள் சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் மனு தாக்கல் செய்தனர்.
 ஆனாலும், இந்தத் திட்டத்துக்கு தடை விதிக்க நீதிமன்றம் மறுப்புத் தெரிவித்தது. இதையடுத்து, சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டத்தை அமல்படுத்தும் பணிகளில் அரசு ஈடுபட்டது.
 இந்த நிலையில், சமச்சீர் கல்வித் திட்டத்தை அரசு நிறுத்தி வைத்துள்ளதால், பழைய புத்தகங்களை மாணவர்கள் தேட வேண்டிய சூழல் உருவாகியுள்ளது.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gold rises further to Rs 22,670

Gold extended gains by adding Rs 300 to Rs 22,670 per 10 grams on Saturday on sustained buying by retailers to meet the ongoing marriage season demand amid a firming global trend. However, silver shed Rs 900 to Rs 53,300 per kg on reduced off-take at existing high levels.
Trading sentiments in gold bolstered as the metal in overseas markets surged on speculations that the Federal Reserve will not tighten the monetary policy, spurring the demand for the metal. Gold in global markets, which normally sets a price trend on the domestic front, rose by USD 5.80 to USD 1,500.60 an ounce.
The white metal snapped its three-day rising streak and turned weak on reduced off-take by stockists at existing higher levels amid a downtrend in overseas markets.
On the domestic front, gold of 99.9 and 99.5 per cent purity shot up by Rs 300 each to Rs 22,670 and Rs 22,550 per 10 grams, respectively. Sovereigns rose by Rs 100 to Rs 18,600 per piece of eight grams.
On the other hand, silver ready declined by Rs 900 to Rs 53,300 per kg and weekly-based delivery shed Rs 10 to Rs 53,600 per kg as speculators refrained from extending support at existing high levels. Silver coins also fell by Rs 100 to Rs 60,000 for buying and Rs 62,000 for selling of 100 pieces.

Infosys to start new campus in Shanghai

Infosys Technologies chairman N RNarayana Murthy on Saturday laid the foundation of a new campus in Shanghai, and announced plans to treble the company's business operations in China. Addressing a press conference after the foundation laying ceremony, Murthy suggested China needs companies like Infosys as much as they need the Chinese market. 

China has demonstrated an extraordinary pace of growth. Such growth cannot be sustained unless it is backed up by scalable, easily maintainable, easily available and easily usable information systems. That is where we believe that there is opportunity for us in China for Infosys. 

Murthy was joined at the foundation laying ceremony and the press conference by Mohandas Pai, the Infosys board member who will be quitting the company. The chairman is with the company till June 10. I will continue to work on the Shanghai project even after that. I will work on this project and a project in India for about a year, Pai told TOI on the sidelines of the ceremony. He did not wish to disclose future career plans at this stage. 

The operations in China account for one to 1.5 per cent of the company's total business volume. Infosys plans to raise it to five per cent over the next three years, Murthy said. The new campus being built on 15 acres of land at a cost of $150 million will be the largest software development centre of Infosys outside India.

The company, which has a staff of 3,200 in Shanghai at present, will employ at total of 10,000 professionals by the time the new campus becomes operational, Rangarajan Vellamore, chief executive officer of Infosys Technologies (China) Co., said during the ceremony, which was attended by Indian ambassador S.Jaishankar and Feng Guoqing,  Communist Party leader at Shanghai Municipal Corporation. 

The rising labor costs in Shanghai did not cause much worry to Infosys, which believed in paying high wages to attract the best talent, who can deliver high quality services to clients, Pai said at the press conference. We will use our enhanced capacity here to deliver high quality consulting and software services to the global markets as well as to our clients in China by Murthy.The campus will have facilities for software development, labs, data centers, training facilities, food courts, a 1,500-seater auditorium, gym, and other recreational facilities. 

Follow the best summer diet

    Though summer may bring to mind picnics and chips and delicious chocolate desserts, dietician believe that it is easiest to 'eat healthy' during this time. 
     In summer there is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and the opportunities to grill and roast provide many healthier options. Along with healthy meals and proper exercise you are sure to shed all the unwanted weight you carry around.

Drink water to quench your thirst: 
      We tend to consume more aerated drinks during the summer, but water is a smarter choice. It keeps the body cool and prevents dehydration and it also helps you avoid adding on the unnecessary calories. Fresh lime water and coconut water is also a great thirt-quencher specially during the summer.
      Add at least two servings each of fruits and vegetables to your daily to your diet: 
Summer has a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. make the most of them. Fruit smoothies and milkshakes are easy to make, just toss some fruits, and milk in your blender and you have yourself a healthy and filling snack. Pan-roasted fresh vegetables or innovative salads are also a tasty option.

Don't skip meals: 
        Many people drastically loose weight by cutting down on meals, but this is very unhealthy and almost always backfires. Skipping meals also slows down the metabolism which means the body burns fewer calories. Eat small, but frequent meals.

Keep a food journal: 
         Write down all that you eat in a week you'll be surprised at how many extra calories you eat and you can also find small ways to cut down.

        Include atleast some form of curd or yoghurt in your meals. Buttermilk is a known cooler. Besides, tasting delicious, it has several health benefits too. Add a dash of mint to enhance the taste. Mint has it's own benefits too. Having a glass of buttermilk or chaas
just before stepping out in the sun, helps avoid dehydration. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

How Much Water Should A Person Drink A Day?

There are a number of opinions on this subject, though some medical personnel believe they have established a recommended, necessary amount of water that is correct for human beings. In fact, authorities from across the medical spectrum provide different answers, with several qualifications.
For example, the revered Mayo Clinic staff emphasizes that there are no simple answers to what seems to be a simple question.The Mayo Web site even states, “…your water needs depend on many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live.”
Since water makes up most of the human body (about 60 percent in some estimates) it is essential that human beings drink enough fluids to keep the body in a health, hydrated state. Water used in various processes by the body will help cleanse the body of toxic substances and is the primary way that nutrients get to the various parts of the body.
But how much water is right to maintain good health? According to most medical literature, the average human adult puts out a bit more than a liter or more of urine each day. An equal amount may be lost from the body each day by normal breathing and sweating. A person may want to use this measure to determine how much water is needed to replace the amounts lost by the above-mentioned processes. This means a person should probably be taking in about two liters of water each day along with a normal diet that provides some of the necessary fluids. This is where the “eight cups per day” recommendation comes from.
For several years now, people have recommended drinking eight glasses of water each day, at 8 ounces each. This amounts to just a bit under two liters, which is close to the replacement method already mentioned. There really isn’t a lot of solid scientific research to support this but it may be a good guideline for the normally healthy person.
Some medical authorities advise considerably more than this two-liter recommendation, with some advice stating three liters is the necessary amount. This can vary depending on the diet of the individual, overall health and any special requirements due to health, job stress, weather conditions etc. Doctors often go by the general guideline that states: if a person drinks enough water to keep from feeling thirsty and the urine has no color or only a slightly yellow color, the amount of water is about right.
When trying to determine how much water a person should drink each day, individuals should consider several factors. These include: how much exercise does the individual engage in daily; what sort of weather/environment does a person live and work in; are there any health issues that might change the amount of water needed?
While it isn’t good to simply rely on how thirsty you feel to determine if you need to drink more water, this is a good general guideline. Many people who don’t “feel” thirsty are already a bit dehydrated. A couple of good habits would be: drink a glass of water with each meal; drink some extra water before exercise, during exercise and after an exercise session.

Jayalalitha sworn in as Tamil Nadu CM

 AIADMK chief Jayalalitha was today sworn in as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister for a third time along with 33 ministers at a glittering function at the Madras University centenary auditorium here.
This was the same venue where she took over as Chief Minister for the first time in 1991.
Tamil Nadu Governor Surjit Singh Barnala administered the oath of office and secrecy. 63-year-old Jayalalitha and others took the oath in Tamil and in the name of god.
This would be the largest-ever ministry in the state since independence. Jayalalithaa will be retaining the home and police portfolios.
The AIADMK leader had steered the alliance led by her party to a spectacular victory in the elections by winning 200 of the total 234 seats.
Jayalalitha’s new ministry is a blend of experience and youth. Most of the ministers are making their maiden entry into the state cabinet.
The swearing-in ceremony was attended by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu and CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan, among others.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Goo is the sixth album by the American alternative rock band Sonic Youth, released on June 26, 1990. Goo was the first album released after the band signed to major label Geffen Records. Following the release of Daydream Nation in 1988, Sonic Youth sought to sign with a new record label. By mid-1989, the top contenders were A&M Records, Atlantic Records, and Mute Records. Soon Geffen Records announced its interest in signing the group. Sonic Youth ultimately signed a five-album with Geffen for at an estimated $300,000. However, the band was disappointed to find out that it would actually be releasing material on a newly-created Geffen sublabel, DGC Records.
While Sonic Youth's contract had no routine industry stipulation to recording demos for its album to show the record company, the band did so in order to give DGC an idea of what they were producing, as well as to form a basis for the album. While Geffen suggested the group work with Daniel Lanois on the record, the group chose to produce the record itself with Nick Sansano as engineer, just as it had done for Daydream Nation. At Sansano's recommendation, the group chose to record at New York City's Sorcer Sound studio. Meanwhile, Dinosaur Jr. guitarist J. Mascis convinced Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley to buy a larger drumkit.
While the new songs were already arranged, the band and Sansano incorporated new recording techniques whenever they could, such as hanging microphones from the studio's catwalk and isolating Shelley in a drum booth. Sonic Youth considered hiring David Markey to film a documentary of the album's production, but due to recurring problems during recording ("It took us forever to get final takes", guitarist Lee Ranaldo recalled), the band abandoned the idea. Once basic tracks were completed, the sessions moved to Green Street studio in order to finish the song and perform album mixing. By the time the album was completed, its cost came out to $150,000.
The album's lead track, "Dirty Boots", evokes old blues slang in its declaration that "It's time to rock the road/And tell the story of the jelly rollin'/Dirty boots are on/Hi de ho." The second track, "Tunic (Song for Karen)", is about Karen Carpenter, a female pop drummer and singer who died from anorexia nervosa. It imagines her in heaven, happy, playing the drums again and meeting new friends Dennis Wilson, Elvis Presley and Janis Joplin.
The album featured the single "Kool Thing", on which Chuck D from the rap group Public Enemy guested. The song is purported to be about the disillusionment that bass player Kim Gordon experienced after interviewing LL Cool J for Spin Magazine the previous year. "Are you going to liberate us girls from male, white, corporate oppression?" Gordon asks in the song, but receives only hipster gibberish in return. "Kool Thing" became the song that many casual music fans associate with the band. The album version of "Mary-Christ" fades out with a portion of the intro to "Kool Thing". This is because in the recording session for "Mary-Christ" the band went right into "Kool Thing", but this take of "Kool Thing" was not chosen for the album.
"Mildred Pierce" is one of the first Sonic Youth songs ever written. It is also one of the few to use standard guitar tuning. The title comes from the Joan Crawford film of the same name.
The album's title derives from the song "My Friend Goo", a portrait of a friend who "sticks just like glue." According to the Sonic Youth website, a considered title was "Blow Job?" for a while. This was also the working title for "Mildred Pierce".
The cover is a Raymond Pettibon illustration based on a paparazzi photo of Maureen Hindley and her first husband David Smith, witnesses in the case of the "Moors Murders" serial killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, driving to the trial in 1966.
In 2008, Scottish band The Twilight Sad released an EP called "...Killed My Parents and Hit the Road". The name and album artwork, which features a re-work of the Goo cover in the style of previous Twilight Sad artwork, are homages to Goo. According to vocalist James Graham, guitarist Andy MacFarlane came up with the idea, and noted that "[The Twilight Sad] were playing in America with Mogwai [...] and Thurston Moore [came] to the gig. So we were thinking "fuck" and hoping he didn’t see the merchandise table. They haven’t sued us though. Yet."
All songs written by Sonic Youth.
  1. "Dirty Boots" (lyrics/vocals Moore, backing vocal Gordon) – 5:28
  2. "Tunic (Song for Karen)" (lyrics/vocals Gordon) – 6:22
  3. "Mary-Christ" (lyrics Moore, vocals Moore/Gordon) – 3:11
  4. "Kool Thing" (lyrics/vocals Gordon, guest vocals Chuck D) – 4:06
  5. "Mote" (lyrics/vocals Ranaldo) – 7:37
  6. "My Friend Goo" (lyrics/vocals Gordon, backing vocal Moore) – 2:19
  7. "Disappearer" (lyrics/vocals Moore) – 5:08
  8. "Mildred Pierce" (lyrics/vocals Moore) – 2:13
  9. "Cinderella's Big Score" (lyrics/vocals Gordon) – 5:54
  10. "Scooter + Jinx" – 1:06
  11. "Titanium Exposé" (lyrics/vocals Moore and Gordon) – 6:24