Saturday, May 21, 2011

Follow the best summer diet

    Though summer may bring to mind picnics and chips and delicious chocolate desserts, dietician believe that it is easiest to 'eat healthy' during this time. 
     In summer there is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and the opportunities to grill and roast provide many healthier options. Along with healthy meals and proper exercise you are sure to shed all the unwanted weight you carry around.

Drink water to quench your thirst: 
      We tend to consume more aerated drinks during the summer, but water is a smarter choice. It keeps the body cool and prevents dehydration and it also helps you avoid adding on the unnecessary calories. Fresh lime water and coconut water is also a great thirt-quencher specially during the summer.
      Add at least two servings each of fruits and vegetables to your daily to your diet: 
Summer has a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. make the most of them. Fruit smoothies and milkshakes are easy to make, just toss some fruits, and milk in your blender and you have yourself a healthy and filling snack. Pan-roasted fresh vegetables or innovative salads are also a tasty option.

Don't skip meals: 
        Many people drastically loose weight by cutting down on meals, but this is very unhealthy and almost always backfires. Skipping meals also slows down the metabolism which means the body burns fewer calories. Eat small, but frequent meals.

Keep a food journal: 
         Write down all that you eat in a week you'll be surprised at how many extra calories you eat and you can also find small ways to cut down.

        Include atleast some form of curd or yoghurt in your meals. Buttermilk is a known cooler. Besides, tasting delicious, it has several health benefits too. Add a dash of mint to enhance the taste. Mint has it's own benefits too. Having a glass of buttermilk or chaas
just before stepping out in the sun, helps avoid dehydration. 

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